
Ruby on Rails developer

Mūsu sadarbības partneris ir uzņēmums, kas izstrādā saviem klientiem IT risinājumi no A līdz Z, padarot klientu uzņēmumu efektīvāku! Viņi sev apkārt ir radījuši vidi, kurā būt ir prieks un lepnums. Katru dienu uzņēmuma darbinieki augam kā komanda, kā profesionāļi un kā personības, vienmēr atrodot jaunus izaicinājumus un mērķus, kurus sasniegt kopā.


  • At least 1 year experience in Ruby on Rails
  • Good SQL skills

As advantage:

  • You have experience with React, NodeJS, Swift, Kotlin
  • Cloud computing platforms and APIs (Amazon, Azure, Google)
  • Familiarity with Git, Jenkins/CircleCI
  • Knowledge about Cloud Computing and Containers (Docker)
  • Knowledge of Test Automation Frameworks

Company offers:

  • Career growth and opportunities for development
  • Tea, coffee, nuts, dried and fresh fruits in the workplace
  • Dynamic work with high-level professionals
  • A creative and friendly team
  • Great working conditions in one of the coolest offices in Riga
  • Ability to adjust your working hours
  • Free weekly sports and other activities with colleagues (tennis, physiotherapy, boxing, trampolines and climbing, physical fitness, bachata dance classes, swimming)
  • Monthly in-house events (bowling, curling, laser tag, skiing, etc.)
  • Annual joint team events - Sports Games, Ball of the Year, and more
  • Providing engaging books, apps, or courses from the company

Salary: 1500 - 5000 EUR/in a month

Send your CV with a subject „Ruby Developer” on e-mail elina@enjoyrecruitment.lv

NB! Please note that we will contact only the candidates of the second round!

Salary range is determined according to different experience levels - the lower level for Junior developers and the top range can be offered for Senior level Ruby on Rails developers!

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